by Dave Lebo | February 1, 2019
Deep Seed and God’s Gideon Generals Being Raised Up!--David Lebo
God’s heart will always be to leave the 99 for the one. If every service is for one person, so be it. If we all gather for just one person’s breakthrough, it is worth it. God is stirring the waters just like a pool of Bethesda. The first one to jump in got what they needed from the Lord. That was then; now Jesus is the pool, and He is here for each and every one of us. If you’ll jump into Jesus you’ll get what you need, for God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is still Jehovah Rapha. He is still Jehovah Shalom. He is still El Shaddai --the Lord God Almighty.
“Is there anything that I cannot do in your life-- will not do for the child of God who will just believe my word. For my word has gone out into all the earth-- my seeds into the harvest fields. I’m looking for a place to plant my seed into fertile soil. I have found one such as this-- for you are a vineyard of the Lord-- a garden of my delight. (Isaiah 5:7) I’ve been planting my seed deep into the soil of your life- some many decades ago; 10, 20, even 30 years ago-- so deep in you that even you forgot about the seed. But God did not forget the seed that was planted so deep in you.”
“There is deep water coming to do a deep work in the body of Christ. God is looking for one where He can plant His seed-- a place that it will be cared for, trusted to take care of, watered, fertilized, and tilled. The ground in you has been tilled for many years, and you said, “God, I can’t stand the tilling any more. I’ve pulled out every rock, every weed, every hindrance, and every obstacle for this moment.”
“I brought my fire and I burned your field to a crisp many times over. It started to grow. You thought it was the enemy, but I brought the fire. In this time, place, and season your field has been charred and black, burned by my Shekinah Glory—BUT THE SEED REMAINS! This seed the enemy could not steal, for it was planted so deep in you. I had to dig deep in you, because in this place, in the deep place, the birds of the air could not steal it away. The enemy could not even find it, because it was so deep in you. But even in the times that you forgot, I did not forget my words of promise in you, for I spoke it into you many years ago.”
“In this time, I am calling it fourth. It’s beginning to break through the ground. It’s beginning to burst forth with green fertile growth. I see thousands of seeds breaking through the ground as fertile plants that will begin to grow. There will be supernatural growth in this season, for what took decades before will only take days. For my ‘miracle grow soil’ has been deep in you, and I am causing my miracles to grow in you. I am bringing about a great harvest, for you, the reaper, will overtake the sower! Do you hear my words?”
“Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed…” Amos 9:13
“It will be a time of heavy accelerated fruit with lots of Son-shine! I’ll be the dawn of every new day, your bright morning star! My Shekinah Glory will shine out on your life, your fields, to bring exponential, here my word, exponential acceleration. Where many have cursed the very ground that you walked on, but I am reversing the curse for you now, in Jesus Name! I am turning it all around for my Glory. For what the enemy meant for harm I am turning it for my good. I am redeeming your land. I am redeeming the time. It’s my time. It’s my seasons of planting and harvests. You’re coming into such a heavy rain of my Glory! Today: heavy rain. Tomorrow: heavy rain. Next week: heavy rain. Next year: heavy rain, heavy rain, heavy rain! You’ll live in the reality of Hosea Ch. 6. Your weather forecast for your life is HEAVY RAIN. Wherever you go you will be under a cloud of My Heavy Rain Presence; wherever your feet may trod.”
“In the midst of this rain, the Lord is singing a love song over you to remind you of His covenant love, and to remind you that He will never leave you or forsake you-- His abiding presence will be with you always even until the ends of the age. And know this, the rain will only get heavier, and heavier. The heavy, weighty, ‘kabod’ of my presence will come upon you, and you will be a carrier of my glory, an ark of my covenant in the earth. And where you walk, you will walk with glory feet. Your feet will be on fire for me,” says the Lord. “You will carry the glory feet of God to usher in my very presence wherever you go. And you’ll say, “The king is here! The king is here! The king is here! As you decrease, I will increase.”
To my leaders, and five fold ministers:
“My church is not a building; it’s a people! And you will raise up a generation-- for you are generals in my army! You will raise them up! Even when God called Gideon, He addressed him as, ‘O mighty man of valor.’ On this day, I say to you, O mighty warriors of valor: Arise!”
“Gideon said to Him, Oh Lord, how can I deliver Israel? Behold, my clan is the poorest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house.” Jdg.6:15
“Do not think you are the least in your family or the poorest in your tribe, but you are generals in my army to raise up a generation of GIDEON armies in this hour. The power will not be in your numbers but it will be in your unity, and you will fight as one man. (see Jdg. 6:16) You will gather a nation, an army of the people of God, who will listen to my voice, who will be broken for me, and who will be carriers of my glory fire. This is who you are! I call you mighty man and woman of valor! Arise and take your place. The Spirit of the Lord is blowing a rams horn over you as a sign and a wonder of a commissioning day that God is placing you in your position apostolically.”
“As little David came before Samuel that day, he was placed into his rightful position of authority. From this day on, for many, know that you are God’s generals placed by his hand never to be moved from your position. Blow a trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy mountain; for you are my trumpets and instruments to speak forth my words in the earth. The spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon and he blew a trumpet! (Jdg. 6:34) He sounded a war cry to assemble an army of like-minded believers who would fight as one man with no competition, no division, no denominations, no pride, or jealousy; but would empty out all that they were. You, too, will summon an army in this time for you are my GIDEONS!”
May the Spirit of the Lord, come upon you in unlimited portions. His ram’s call is sounding over you to be the prophetic voice of God to seal his word in you. He is calling it forth one more time to bring life to a promise that was planted long ago. He didn’t forget about it. In fact, he’s bringing it to life.
Many times I have people stand when I blow the shofar in our meetings to honor the King of all kings being with us. Samuel would not sit down until the king arrived. Little David came before Samuel to receive the kingly anointing. We stand to honor the king of all Kings-- the one who rules and reigns now in the earth. The one who reigns in eternity past, present, and future--the one who reigns in our lives now! I don’t blow a shofar just to blow it; I blow it when God tells me to. That’s the secret. That’s obedience! When faith combines with the word, that’s where the power comes from. Because if you do something just a do it, it becomes religious ritual that will have no power. Always move with the Holy Spirit and the heart of God!
“I’m raising up a generation of warriors who will know my voice. Who will know when I say move-- move, when I say step-- step. When I say turn right-- turn right. When I say turn left-- turn left. Ones who will hear my voice, the whisper behind you, that says go here go there-- anointed ears to hear the whisper. This is the anointing that you need: Personal anointings straight from the throne for your mandate in the earth, and for your position of authority for what God has called you to be in the earth.”
“Today, I am raising up my GIDEONS in the earth-- my generals-- who will take their place in the army of God! For you thought that you were the least in your family, and the poorest in your tribe. God says to you: Arise O Mighty Warriors of valor! Arise! This is who you are! This is what you have been called to do. It doesn’t matter what is in your bank account! ‘Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of God.’ (Mat. 5:3) If you thought you were poor and the least in your family, you’re in good company. Because God is calling you to rise up and take your place in His army, to blow a trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm on His holy mountain. If there was a day, a time or a season where my GIDEONS need to come forth, it is today! It is now!
“I am looking for one in all the tribes of Israel. One who I have called by name, but who will know who they are in me, know what they have been called to do, who will walk in obedience to my word. You may need five confirmations to do so; but who will still listen and put action into the word that I have given you. No more words just written on a page, but I have written it on the tablets of your heart and I had inscribed it deep within you! It was the safest place that I could ever have put it--the safest place that I could hide it from the enemy to not be stolen away. But in this time and in these United States of America I am raising up my GIDEONS in this hour.”
The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon as he blew a rams horn to summon an army who would hear what the Spirit of God was saying. The ram’s horn is symbolic of the prophetic voice of God. Who will be the voice? Who will be the trumpets for the breath of God to blow through an empty vessel?
“Emptiness is what I long for; emptiness is what I need. Void of your own opinions. Void of your own ideas and thoughts, of your own battle plans, and ways. One who will be emptied out of all that you were in Adam. I’m looking for one. I’m looking for one.”
Right now, I think He found more than one! God has found a Gideon Company who is broken over the situation of a nation and the condition of a back-slidden church.
“I'm looking for one in the earth who will be broken for what breaks me!”
“Who will be broken for the breakthrough of a nation? This is what is transpiring in this moment of time. The waters are falling—the Heavy Rains of My Presence-- to bring a refreshing of all that I am-- to an army who is beat down--who has had the enemy take everything from them, who are living in caves, who haven’t known who they are, who have had their harvest taken, who have no wine in the winepress—where there’s no anointing flowing in the church, who grieves over Zion, the city of the living God. Who grieves over the situation of the ecclesia –the church-- Spiritual Israel in our day.”
God is looking for one who will say, “Yes!” and be the answer to their own prayer. Who will be the answer? We complain at times about our situation, but God says, “Will you be the answer? Will you be the voice? Will you be the trumpets of the Living God? Will you be the vessel? I just need one, and I’ve got a company! I’ve got an army of GIDEONS that I am raising up in the earth that will blow with a mighty blow, with the very breath of God. The life of Yeshua will blow through you! It will no longer be you blowing, but it will be God blowing through you--the very wind of heaven will blow through you like never before. You’ll not contain the power of God that will blow through you in this hour.
“You are the trumpets of the Living God. You are the living sacrifices. The ram’s horn obtained by the sacrifice of a male lamb-- through the crucifixion of Christ-- He bought and paid for an anointing that He wants to pour out upon his people, and it’s all by His grace and His mercy. I am just looking for somebody in the earth who I can pour out my spirit upon, who will be willing to be the answer to their own prayer. But not the selfish prayer for themselves-- no, no, no. It’s for a nation—for these United States of America, and spiritual Israel—the church of the Living God-- that He would be our great deliverer, who will bring about a great deliverance for our America in our now time.”
For this is a day and time for America-- for the church to rise up to know who she is, whose she is, that she carries within her the key to a great deliverance! Not just for one church, not for one city, not even for one region, but for a nation.
God is looking for ONE; but I know He has found many more! He is pouring out His Spirit in unlimited portions upon His GIDEONS in this hour, who He will raise up to be generals in His army to save a nation from destruction! For this is her freedom day! Let freedom reign in America! Let freedom reign in every church from sea to shining sea; from the east to the west, to the north and south, every denomination, every tribe, and every people!
“I will set them on fire with my Glory. You are the ram’s horn, and you will shout: For the Sword of the Lord and for Gideon! Upon your word, it won’t be you shouting anymore but it will be the power of the Living Christ in you that you will blow the fresh life and breath of God with a fresh fire! Then, at your words, fire will fall upon my altars of sacrifice and worship! A fresh anointing will come upon your words, and it won’t be you speaking, it will be I, the Lord your God. Your words will carry the weighty glory of my presence. Fire will fall at your words as they bring conviction, burning and revival, awakening and repentance of sin, unrighteousness and judgement. You will be a FIRE STARTERS FOR ME,” says the Lord. “You will bring fire and revival to a nation! It’s been dry, but the heavy rains of my presence will fall. There will be a flood of my waters and my fire will be upon the waters! In the natural, fire and watered do not mix, but in the spirit it’s like pouring gasoline on a flame! You will be my mighty weapons in my hands for they are not carnal, but MIGHTY! You’ll be a supernatural weapon of mass destruction against the kingdom of darkness! Mighty GIDEONS RISE UP-- summon an army whose power is not in their numbers, but in their unity!
Posted by Jonathan Brain on February 18, 2019
Mention of seed being sowing 10, 20, 30 years ago - for some of us it might be 60 years. "Who knows you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this" Esther 4:14. First time I recall hearing that was 45 years ago, there was another seed planted what will soon be 60 years ago...
Mention of seed being sowing 10, 20, 30 years ago - for some of us it might be 60 years. "Who knows you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this" Esther 4:14. First time I recall hearing that was 45 years ago, there was another seed planted what will soon be 60 years ago...
Posted by Tammy on February 18, 2019
This Word is my mandate! Yes and Amen! Be it onto me!
This Word is my mandate! Yes and Amen! Be it onto me!
Posted by Melissa Ross on February 16, 2019
Father pour out your heavey rains on me , I say yes! Let your fire fall!
Father pour out your heavey rains on me , I say yes! Let your fire fall!